Guided Exercise: Reserve Compute Capacity for Applications


5 min read

Configure an application with compute resource requests that allow and prevent successful scheduling and scaling of its pods.


  • Observe that memory resource requests allocate cluster node memory.

  • Explore how adjusting resource requests impacts the number of replicas that can be scheduled on a node.

As the student user on the workstation machine, use the lab command to prepare your system for this exercise.

This command ensures that the following conditions are true:

The container image contains an application with utility endpoints. These endpoints perform such tasks as crashing the process and toggling the server's health status.

[student@workstation ~]$ lab start reliability-requests

Procedure 6.3. Instructions

  1. As the admin user, deploy the long-load application by applying the long-load-deploy.yaml file in the reliability-requests project.

    1. Log in as the admin user with the redhatocp password.

       [student@workstation ~]$ oc login -u admin
       ...output omitted...


      In general, use accounts with the least required privileges to perform a task. In the classroom environment, this account is the developer user. However, cluster administrator privileges are required to view the cluster node metrics in this exercise.

    2. Select the reliability-requests project.

       [student@workstation ~]$ oc project reliability-requests
       Now using project "reliability-requests" on server "".
    3. Navigate to the ~/DO180/labs/reliability-requests directory. Create a deployment, service, and route by using the oc apply command and the long-load-deploy.yaml file.

       [student@workstation ~]$ cd DO180/labs/reliability-requests
       no output expected
       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc apply -f long-load-deploy.yaml
       deployment.apps/long-load created
       service/long-load created created
    4. View the total memory request allocation for the node.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc describe nodes
       ...output omitted...
       Allocated resources:
         (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
         Resource           Requests       Limits
         --------           --------       ------
         cpu                3158m (42%)    980m (13%)
         memory             12667Mi (66%)  1250Mi (6%)
       ...output omitted...


      Projects and objects from previous exercises can cause the memory usage from this exercise to mismatch the intended results. Delete any unrelated projects before continuing.

      If you still experience issues, re-create your classroom environment and try this exercise again.

  2. Add a resource request to the pod definition and scale the deployment beyond the cluster's capacity.

    1. Modify the long-load-deploy.yaml file by adding a resource request. The request allocates one gigabyte (1 G) to each of the application pods.

         ...output omitted...
         ...output omitted...
             - image:
                   memory: 1G
       ...output omitted...
    2. Apply the YAML file to modify the deployment with the resource request.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc apply -f long-load-deploy.yaml
       deployment.apps/long-load configured
       service/long-load unchanged configured
    3. Scale the deployment to have 10 replicas.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc scale deploy/long-load --replicas 10
       deployment.apps/long-load scaled
    4. Observe that the cluster cannot schedule all of the pods on the single node. The pods with a Pending status cannot be scheduled.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc get pods
       NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
       ...output omitted...
       long-load-86bb4b79f8-44zwd   0/1     Pending   0          58s
       ...output omitted...
    5. Retrieve the cluster event log, and observe that insufficient memory is the cause of the failed scheduling.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc get events \
         --field-selector reason="FailedScheduling"
       ...output omitted... pod/long-load-86bb4b79f8-44zwd   0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory. ...output omitted...
    6. Alternatively, view the events for a pending pod to see the reason. In the following command, replace the pod name with one of the pending pods in your classroom.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc describe \
       ...output omitted...
       ...output omitted...  0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory. ...output omitted...
    7. Observe that the node's requested memory usage is high.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc describe nodes
       ...output omitted...
       Allocated resources:
         (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
         Resource           Requests          Limits
         --------           --------          ------
         cpu                3158m (42%)       980m (13%)
         memory             18830383Ki (97%)  1250Mi (6%)
       ...output omitted...
  3. Reduce the requested memory per pod so that the replicas can run on the node.

    1. Manually set the resource request to 250M.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc set resources deploy/long-load \
         --requests memory=250M
       deployment.apps/long-load resource requirements updated
    2. Delete the pods so that they are re-created with the new resource request.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc delete pod -l app=long-load
       pod "long-load-557b4d94f5-29brx" deleted
       ...output omitted...
    3. Observe that all of the pods can start with the lowered memory request. Within a minute, the pods are marked as Ready and in a Running state, with no pods in a Pending status.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc get pods
       NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
       long-load-557b4d94f5-68hbb   1/1     Running   0          3m14s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-bfk7c   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-bnpzh   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-chtv9   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-drg2p   1/1     Running   0          3m14s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-hwsz6   1/1     Running   0          3m12s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-k5vqj   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-lgstq   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-r8hq4   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
       long-load-557b4d94f5-xrg7c   1/1     Running   0          3m21s
    4. Observe that the memory usage of the node is lower.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ oc describe nodes
       Allocated resources:
         (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
         Resource           Requests           Limits
         --------           --------           ------
         cpu                3158m (42%)        980m (13%)
         memory             15782312192 (79%)  1250Mi (6%)
       ...output omitted...
    5. Return to the /home/student/ directory.

       [student@workstation reliability-requests]$ cd /home/student/
       [student@workstation ~]$


On the workstation machine, use the lab command to complete this exercise. This step is important to ensure that resources from previous exercises do not impact upcoming exercises.

[student@workstation ~]$ lab finish reliability-requests